Tag: academia


The future

Still cannot believe how awesome this looks. Today, I am very proud to announce that I will spend (at least) the next 5 years being an assistant professor at the Software Engineering Research Group in Delft. What will you be working on? I will continue to research spreadsheets. As you might know, my group just got a […]


Proposition #8

“In applied sciences like software engineering, PhD students should not work at the university full time.” This proposition relates somewhat to Proposition #5. I think it is very important for researchers in software engineering to connect with practice. Doing industrial case studies is one option, but I want to go even further, I think young researchers […]


Proposition #4

“If conferences and journals start to employ crowd reviewing, this will increase both the speed and quality of reviews” A bit of background for those not in academia, or even not in computer science, as publishing practices differ over different field. First of all, we CS people publish long papers with new results in conferences and […]

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